Gerber to CAD Translations,Gerber-to-CAD reverse engineering tool,Tebo CAM, Tebo-Ict Test Fixture Software, HP3070, Agilent3070,i5000,i1000,Keysight i3070,i5000,i1000,Agilent Test Coverage Consultant,TestSight Developer, Test Expert( Fabmaster),VayoPro-Test-Expert,VayoPro-SMT-Expert Takaya APT-1400F,APT-9411 CE/CJ,APT-9411SL,APT-820S,APT-7400CN,APT-8400,Flying Probe Fixtureless Tester,Seica flying probe tester Pilot 4D V8,PILOT 4D Line,Pilot 4D H4,Pilot 4D L4,Pilot 4D M4,Pilot 4D V8 HF,Pilot 4D V8 Pass Through,Compact Line,Compact TK,Compact SL,Compact Multi,Compact Power,S20,40,Pilot 4D FX,SPEA 4050 S2, SPEA 4080,SPEA 4060 Flying Probe,SPEA | Flying Probe Tester S2,SPEA 3030,HIOKI 1220 Bed-of-Nails (BON) In-Circuit Tester,HIOKI FA1240,FA1283, FA1116, FA1282,1270, 1271,1232, FA1240, FA1241 Flying Probe Tester,Acculogic Sprint 4510,Scorpion FLS980Dxi Flying Probe Test Platform,SCORPION FiS 640,SCORPION iCT7000,iTH 7000 In-Line Test Handler,Boundary Scan Tools,GOEPEL Electronics,XJTAG: JTAG Boundary-Scan Test & Debug, In-System Programming,
Tebo software Supports both Gerber&CAD Formatted input handling. Support a variety of flying probe equipment ( Takaya, Seica, Spea, Hioki, Acculogic, Teradyne etc.) Test data output, Support for custom development.

■ BGA/CSP packaging components such as test, Test points selected automatically to the best location on the network, intelligent optimization components foot surrounding Open/Short logging output,Save test time. Supporting boundary scan test data interface output.

■ Tilt angle SMD components, the software can automatically offset components foot contact position of the probe. You can also set the output IC OPEN test-related test data. Can be simulated in software to display all SMD Component foot contacting the central location without migration and check by hand in machine.

■ Software based on CAD data (Library) component height automatically set the No-fly Zone domain (output to the program),No need to manually check one by one on the flying probe machine settings, To save time improve equipment utilization. Support PCBA 3D ( IGES/IDF ) Output.
Tebo software Supports both Gerber&CAD Formatted input handling. Support a variety of flying probe equipment ( Takaya, Seica, Spea, Hioki, Acculogic, Teradyne etc.) Test data output, Support for custom development.
■ Software automatically identifies PCB buried blind hole spacing and components cover, ensure that the location is not being tested is covered by component or high components too close. Support PCBA Single-sided test and simultaneity test can also be an additional output PCB Open/Short Test programs.

■ BGA/CSP packaging components such as test, Test points selected automatically to the best location on the network, intelligent optimization components foot surrounding Open/Short logging output,Save test time. Supporting boundary scan test data interface output.

■ Tilt angle SMD components, the software can automatically offset components foot contact position of the probe. You can also set the output IC OPEN test-related test data. Can be simulated in software to display all SMD Component foot contacting the central location without migration and check by hand in machine.

■ Software based on CAD data (Library) component height automatically set the No-fly Zone domain (output to the program),No need to manually check one by one on the flying probe machine settings, To save time improve equipment utilization. Support PCBA 3D ( IGES/IDF ) Output.